Set up your first Area
Areas help you quickly lookup and share your records and analyze available metrics for any custom section of the map, whether for your district's boundaries, a selection of specific properties and blocks, or a street corridor.
The entry level account tier ("Pro" plan) limits the amount of Area's you can work with to only four Areas at a time. Upgrade to a "Team" or "District" plan to manage an unlimited number of Areas.
1. Open the Map
Once logged in, go the map:
These features are only accessible on a desktop browser or if your screen is in landscape format on smaller mobile screen sizes.
2. Expand the Area tools (if not already expanded)
Look for the blue button below the Address Search feature in he upper right corner of the map.
3. Define a new Area
Click the "New Area" button to begin setting up your first Area of interest.
You will need to click on places where you want to create a vertex or corner for your Area. In other words, you don't drag the cursor to draw a boundary for your Area. Instead, the tool enables you to be more precise by pointing and click precisely where you want to define the boundary of your Areas.
Click "Done" once you're satisfied with your boundaries. You can always edit the shape later.
4. Save Your Area
Each time you click the "Done" button, the system will update the Metrics section for the Area. This provides you with a quick analysis of your Area's Metrics on the fly.
In the example below, you'll notice the Median Household Income has updated from the average US-wide metric to the average for the particular boundary we just defined in Queens, NY, in this case $80,568 Median Income.
Once you're ready to save the Area, Click the Save button to open up your Area's attributes.
Give your Area a name and click Save to complete the process.
You can always open your Area's attributes later by clicking "Edit" to update the Name, Color, and Shape of the Area.
To clear your Area, simply hit the "x" beside the name of the Area, or use the big "CLEAR AREA" button above the Area currently selected.
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